In the heart of Dilopye in Hammanskraal, a tale of entrepreneurial triumph unfolds as Simon Chauke turns the seemingly daunting notion of starting a chicken business into a resounding success. Babelegi Poultry Farming is a venture that not only defies the odds but stands as a beacon of achievement within the local chicken industry. Born out of a dream and established in September 2023, this enterprise has swiftly risen to prominence, captivating the community with its thriving presence.
Their initial goal was to venture into manufacturing toilet tissue and sanitary. Unfortunately, they faced a setback in realising this plan due to challenges in securing funding. Simon Chauke, the brains behind Babelegi Poultry Farming, shared.
“Our main obstacle was obtaining financial support, despite two years of consultations with SEFA and NEF. Despite a significant owner contribution of R260,000, we encountered difficulties in securing the essential funding for our envisioned venture.” Said Chauke.
The company started off with a solid capital base. Initially, they secured a rental space, followed by visits to suppliers for business quotes and to deepen their knowledge of the poultry industry. Mr. Simon Chauke, the driving force behind Babelegi Poultry Farming’s chicken business, then underwent concise training provided by the supplier.
In pursuit of their entrepreneurial ambitions, the initiation of a poultry business unfolded as a strategic alternative. Their primary objective was to independently generate funds, laying the groundwork for financing their initial manufacturing business in the foreseeable future.
Despite previous setbacks in securing government funding for their original business plan, they resiliently pivoted to this alternative venture.
The poultry business had its fair share of challenges. Figuring out how to raise broilers, from the time they hatch until they’re ready for sale, was one hurdle. Finding the right spot for the business posed another challenge.
Chauke explained, “We faced difficulty getting clients later on because the first place we got wasn’t easy for clients to reach.” He went on to say.
“I had to approach many small businesses and individuals who buy and sell on the streets,” said Chauke
Discussing their business connections briefly, Mr. Chauke expressed, “Everything is going smoothly. We offer quality chicks at competitive prices, ensuring our clients can make a profit. This has fostered positive interactions with our clientele.
“Additionally, Chauke highlighted their proactive approach in reaching out to different street vendors, informing them about their business, and utilising social media platforms to advertise their chicken business.
“The business plan was promoted on Facebook by Mr. Chauke, who was actively seeking business partners,
“I had the privilege of being selected as one of them,” revealed Stella Ngobeni, a distinguished board member.
They believe that the chicken business distinguishes itself from the competition because their prices are affordable, allowing others to stock up, sell, and still make a profit. Ngobeni finds the business fulfilling.
“The chicken business is fast-paced; they sell quickly, enabling you to make a profit swiftly and grow your business,” she remarked.
“They have the qualities to be among the best in this business. Since I started buying from them, I haven’t received any complaints about their chicken,” remarked Issac Madubanya, one of their satisfied customers. “From what I’ve experienced, they consistently deliver quality chickens,” he added.